Terms and Conditions for NFTs

The Terms of Use are a legally binding agreement between you, whether personally or on behalf of an entity (“you”), and ClashOfNFT Limited (“we”, “us”, or “our”) regarding your access to and use of our website, the bet app, and any other media form, media channel, mobile website, or mobile application related, linked, or otherwise connected to it. In ClashOfNFT, users can bet, earn unique digital creatures using specially-developed smart contracts (each, a “Smart Contract”). Besides owning and transferring digital assets, it also allows users to exchange them. A website can then visualize these assets so that the user can interact with them.

 As a result of these Terms, Smart Contracts and the Site are collectively referred to as the “App”. Using the App, users can view their assets and trade with other App users using Smart Contracts.  If you accept all of these terms, we will make the App, the Smart Contracts, and the site available to you. You are confirming that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by all of these terms of use by using the App, the Smart Contracts, or the Site, or by clicking “I Accept” below or indicating acceptance in an adjoining box. You are expressly prohibited from using the Site, the App and the Smart Contracts if you do not agree with or accept all of these terms of use.  By reference, any additional terms and conditions or documents posted on the Site, the App, or the Smart Contracts from time to time are incorporated herein. These Terms of Use may be changed or modified at any time, for any reason, at our sole discretion. The “Last Updated” date of these Terms of Use will be updated if any changes are made, and you waive any right to receive specific notice.

Welcoming you to the world of con 

Old-world craftsmen incorporated the NFT energy into the CON multiverse, which allows access to and display of all NFTS. The Pass is the key to creating the adventures of the new heroes of the universe. Universe conquerors are symbolized by it.

CON multiverse is a cross-chain GameFi project that benefits investors and creators alike. The Play-to-Earn mechanism, cross-chain transactions, yield farming, and synthetic assets are all part of this ecosystem. As players mint NFTs in the CON multiverse, they will be able to experience both the benefits and the playability of it. Get your free NFT by participating in the NFT airdrop

By utilizing ancient technology and following NFT rules, those who survived the disaster discovered another energy source, RON, in the NFT land. Through this new energy, we have pure and more powerful energy than CON.

Hero of the NFTs 

Clash of NFT multiverse RON energy nourishes the post-war land in the vast universe and creates intelligent life by blending with dark matter. Those who are brave and resourceful will be your NFT’s new guardian heroes. Now is the time to call on your own hero! Join the airdrop and call on your own hero!


 In the multiverse, loyal heroes, elves, orcs, inflammatory devils, and ancient races start over. Discover the secrets hidden in the CON/Clash of NFT, control the endless resources, create a new order, and become the great lords of the universe with your guardian heroes.

Adventure in a dungeon

In the Clash of NFT universe, there are still dimensional cracks linking the buried secrets of other dimensional universes. In order to explore dimensional resources, the brave Lord will send his most powerful heroes.

Dual Arena

The interstellar arena gathers the strength of the entire universe and is a stage for the strongest heroes to perform. Who will be able to reach the top of the arena? Your heroes are ready for battle!


Humans discovered $CON energy thousands of years ago and used it to inspire the largest era of cosmic colonization in history. Living things in the universe still rely on it for energy.


 Its magnitude is 100 times greater than $CON, resulting in the emergence of new life and opening a new era in the universe. $RON’s potential has not yet been fully explored, so make sure you are on the whitelist. Among current Lords, its scarcity has made it a target for plunderers.